Public Phase, Capital Campaign
CBA approached RAISE after much initial success with a lay-driven capital campaign, needing assistance with the final 20% of a campaign that had stretched for many years.
Dealing with the prevalent challenge of lay leader burnout and accountability, RAISE was able to strategically synthesize many congregational events to maximize fundraising as well as professionalize the process and collateral materials, reenergizing the community in time for our groundbreaking for a renovated building. With data driven analysis and guidance provided by RAISE, the lay development team was able to identify those who had not given, create a plan and make solicitation assignments.
In working with RAISE’s web design and marketing professionals, more sophisticated materials established trust and excitement in the community around this final phase of the campaign. RAISE was particularly helpful in advising CBA on how to integrate all community stakeholders in the campaign, allowing for more widespread support. RAISE is currently advising CBA on closing the last $500,000 through a community-wide crowdfunding campaign.